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Note: Image courtesy of Wikipedia.

Midge Culicoides impunctatus and allies


Graphic Midge.JPG

Eating Midges is more a case of retribution than culinary excellence. They had it coming to them. Anyone who has attempted to stand still on the shores of Loch Lomond on a still September morning (as I have) will know why the Scots name for them is ‘small wee bastards’. They are exceptionally infuriating in calm weather and will bring the susceptible out in a terrible rash from their multitude of bites. My bites are not too bad and heal within a few hours, but others are not so lucky.

You will, no doubt. be wondering how one could possibly catch a sufficient number of midges to make it worthwhile. A good quality butterfly net will do it, though you won’t catch many by just waving it around. Persuade someone to drive you around a midge-infested area and hang the net out of the window. I have found that it is dangerous to travel any more than thirty miles an hour. Soon, on a good day, the bottom of the net will turn black with midges. A more determined approach is to use a mosquito net attached securely to the top of your car with a frame to form a 'sock-net'. The details of how to do this I will leave to you. This will catch more midges and avoid the obvious dangers of hanging anything large and unwieldy out of a car window.

Once you have enough, carefully remove any by-catch and scrape the black paste away from the netting. Quite what you do with it after that will requires some imagination, but it will definitely need to be cooked. A pate is the obvious thing, with plenty of bacon fat. 200,000 midges are needed to make four ounces (100g) of paste, so you will have a massacre on your hands. But this will have an effect on midge populations approaching zero as it is approximately the number that can emerge from a single square yard of peaty ground.

Important!!! The information supplied on this site is intended for use in conjunction with the book, the Forager's Calendar. You must read the appropriate entry in this book before you eat anything you discover on this site. Some species described and pictured here are deadly poisonous. In no circumstances can the author, John Wright, accept any legal responsibility or liability for any loss or damage to persons or property arising from any error in or omission from the information contained on this website, or from failure of the reader to properly and accurately read and understand the information provided.

© 2025 John Wright. Created with

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