The Observant Walker
Forager's Calendar
When broken, the gills and flesh produce a milky substance. It can be almost clear, white, cream or orange. The gills are generally decurrent. Woodland.
Medium-sized mushrooms, mostly bright colours - yellow, red, green, purple. Gills generally brittle. Stems white or sometimes flushed with cap colour, cylindrical and looking like a stick of chalk. Overall firm when young. Woodland
Gills decurrent and entire fruiting body more or less funnel-shaped. No milk.
Distinct (but possibly slightly buried!) bag (volva) at base of stem. No ring on the stem though. Grooves on cap edge.
In grassland. Generally waxy in appearance. Brilliant scarlet cap.
In grassland in the spring. Often in rings, substantial mushrooms which are off-white all over.
Small species in grassland, usually in rings. Pale buff/orange, tough, fibrous stem.
Small species in woodland. Cap either orange/buff or bright purple. Fibrous stem.